Jv Success Made Easy

JVSME 004: The 4 Phases Of A Successful Joint Venture



In this episode, host Marie Grace Berg shares the secret to doing a successful joint venture launch - The 4 Phases Of A Successful Joint Venture. There's a process to doing joint venture partnerships the right way. But in a nutshell, there are 4 phases or steps you need to take to make this a success. And I have an acronym for it - P-P-L-N. The first P stands for PACKAGE- here you´ll be learning everything you need to know about getting JV-Ready - how to package your coaching services, your product offering, etc. The second P stands for PARTNER - only after you are JV ready can you start approaching JV partners, and there´s a reason for this. First, you want to have an offer ready for JV partners to promote. And secondly, you want to have an offer that converts. The third phase stands for LAUNCH - and by this I mean, putting your offer whether that be coaching or an evergreen product out to the market place with the help of one or more of your joint venture partners. I´m not talking here about those big JV la