Chuck Vs. The Podcast - Standard Mp3

106 - It's A Wrap!



All things must end… as Chuck aired it's 91st and final episode in January, this 107th podcast will be our last. It has been a wild ride! When our podcast first aired in January 2008, none of us could have ever imagined the journey we would take together. In our 164th interview, AOL TV critic Mo Ryan is back with us one more time, helping us to get perspective on Chuck's 5 seasons. We also have a retrospective of significant moments we've had along the way, and at the end, Mel, Liz, and Gray spend some time reminiscing on what the experience has meant to us personally. Thanks so much for supporting us along the way… March is heading to be our 40th consecutive month as the world's #1 TV-themed podcast, and it's all because of your votes! You've supported us with generous donations at crucial times, Amazon and Chuckazon purchases, thousands of emails, encouragement on Twitter and Facebook, and so much more. Thanks also to the cast and crew of Chuck, who have not only brought us characters and a story that