Chuck Vs. The Podcast - Standard Mp3

105 - Chris Fedak Answers



On the last podcast, you saw the man behind the music, and got to witness the full depth of his mesmerizing "Question and Answer" music cue. This week, be mesmerized by the man behind the show, in an 84 minute question and answer session! We had over 700 questions submitted… obviously we couldn't ask them all, but we bubbled them down to the most common themes, and asked what was most on your hearts. Chris goes into great detail on all the hows, whys, and wherefores. Our next episode, we interview fan favorite critic, AOL TV's Mo Ryan, in what will be our final podcast. Watch for it on Friday, March 16th. And have Kleenex at hand… we sure will! Want a Chuck soundtrack? Visit for more info. Want a Chuck movie? Visit Chuckazon to pre-order Chuck season 5, and order any other seasons you are missing! Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates - @chucktvdotnet, @prlsoflizdom, and @GrayJones. Miss any episodes? You can find them all at our new page:, and