Attic Aficionados

15. Hard Drive Recovery [October 15, 2017]



The renovations are over for Brandon, now all that is left it mending the relationship with the listeners. Halloween decorations are topical. Tom wants to know more about Brandon's composition process. Similarly Tom wants more information on Brandon's cooking interest without talking about squirrels again. They digress into Bran's time in Italy. Tom has been assembling a box of artifacts to take on his road trip to meet Brandon. Webby Peppers will be passed on to the listeners next year. Tom introduces his birthday weekend initially featuring Jackie Chan. They digress into Snowfall and Kevin Smith films. Tom has a few locations to discuss for when he gets to West Chester. Sadly Brandon doesn't like cigars. Tom has trouble identifying two different groups in the community. Tom talks a little bit about his game in a round-about fashion mourning the dead first. Bran is fantasizing about figures but he really wants to talk about hard drive recovery. If that topic was too dry for you, the aficionados explore horro