Attic Aficionados

8: Attic Clear Out and Hoarding Advice [July 8, 2017]



Brandon has his attic amongst him. Tom has been doing some work in his attic too. The figure cases are ready for filming. Check out the FB group or Tom's Barbalet Youtube channel for more footage. Tom will be attending a train convention in Mahwah NJ in September 2018. Brandon wants some hoarding advice from Tom. Dangerous stuff. Brandon fields some listener questions on the N64. They discuss 1980s candy. Tom wants to know about the closure on the Jersey beaches. How about the GI Joe aircraft carrier? They discuss concerts. Best and worst second hand finds? The crew discusses time travel and top five movies in rapid fire. Bodily functions dominate the embarrassing moments. Tom's paranormal experiences are all Scooby-Doo-esque. Tom recommends the Dwarvenaut movie on Dwarvenforge. They again return to hoarding rules that Tom fails to live by. Childhood heroes and biographical movies provide some meat for discussion. Gift cards, Cool Whip and Mad magazine must be discussed. They both have defined their lives wit