Mile High Locavorist

MHLV 03: Debbie Dalrymple | Farm Yard CSA



Debbie started her first CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) in 2008. She grew up on a ranch in Wyoming growing food with her mom. Debbie says, “growing food is in my genes.” She describes the benefits and outcomes of growing local and organic food in many ways. Local, seasonal, organic food: connects and creates communities and brings people together everyone loves great food is at the intersection of small business, biodiversity, and clean water crosses political boundaries lessens waste and most importantly, it simply tastes better! – IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN – Why CSA’s are so important How to join Farm Yard CSA (or most any CSA, really) How to live your values by supporting your local CSA How a CSA works How to think about your food: reading labels and not just the signs at your local grocery store Why organic matters What you typically get when you join a CSA What to do with those awkwardly shaped veggies! Beets really are amazing! How CSAs automate great food choices for you and expand your f