Gracepoint Revealed Podcast

GR03 – S1E3 – Sins of a Father



In episode 03 of Gracepoint Revealed Podcast we break down all the new developments and revelations after episode 3 of FOX's murder mystery, Gracepoint. We now know why Mark Solano was being so secretive about his whereabouts during Danny's death, but do we think that that's the end of his suspicion? The longer the investigation takes, the more Detectives Carver and Miller seem to be at odds. Will their differences cause the investigation to break down? What about Carver's mysterious illness? What about the phone number that was found in Danny's clothing? Who's number is it? Read More... The post GR03 – S1E3 – Sins of a Father appeared first on Golden Spiral Media- Entertainment Podcasts, Technology Podcasts & More.