Barber Shop Podcast

Buckshot Bebee



It's not often when a lady stops by the barber shop for a visit, but when so blessed, the place lights up with class and confidence. Multiple media artist Lynne "Buckshot" Bebee has had a place in the hearts and minds of music lovers thru her evolution in this genre from the early days of the Sapphire Fly Band to the acclaimed Poisoned Aeros, The Evelyn Dycks and now to her present ensemble Buckshot Bebee and the Secret Boyfriends. To be sure, she has put up - and shut them up. Hot off the presses we're pleased to play a couple of tracks from her new release Merchants Of Youth and catch a couple live numbers along with stories and memories and laughs galore. Take a bit if time to get to know a great piece of Hamilton music history past and present.