Pillow Fort Radio

Episode 42: Political Aikido



PFR is back for another rummage sale of uninformed opinions expressed with unearned confidence... The gang talks about the greatest movie of all time, DEADPOOL, and other comic movies... Marco Rubio gets chastised by Mayor McCheese(Chris Christie)and glitches, repeating the same things over and over until someone unplugs him and plugs him back in... West Virginia has some real morons that are making decisions that matter. VOTE THEM OUT... Alaina is still against the purchase of a Batman onesie for our beloved Aaron. VOTE HER OUT!!!...Charles tells a fun-filled story from his drinking days... Dad jokes... And so much more!!!! Visit www.wildwvramps.com/pfr for your ramp bulb needs. Enter the coupon code PFR for 10 percent off.