Entanglement Radio With Angela Levesque

Robert Manni on the Balanced Male



Balance is a challenge for most people, but real balance isn't just about what we eat or how we exercise. It is about being mindful, attentive, and bringing harmony to all aspects of who we are. Robert Manni has looked deeply at what it means to balance both the masculine and feminine energies. He understands the path to peace, not only for men and women but globally, is doing the inner work so we can move beyond society's gender mores. Join us for an in-depth look at what it means to be a balanced male with the Guy's Guy, Robert Manni.About the Guest:Robert is the author of THE GUYS’ GUY’S GUIDE TO LOVE, a novel praised as the “Men’s successor to Sex and the City”. Robert’s website, RobertManni.com, features his syndicated blog(On Life, Love and the Pursuit of Happiness), media appearances, videos and news. He is a featured Blog Talk Radio host of Guy’s Guy Radio™ a weekly call-in podcast with over 200 shows featuring interviews with relationship experts, entertainers, writers, and sports personalities. Robe