Entanglement Radio With Angela Levesque

Daniel Schmachtenberger on Emergence & Our Self Organizing Universe



Why is studying whole systems so important? What can we gain from studying our subjective experience of reality? Daniel Schmachtenburger has spent his life blending different fields to bring together a new story of the evolution of our universe. Join us as we explore the concepts of emergence, synergy, and self-organization. And how understanding these as individuals and within our scientific communities, assist us in understanding the nature, breadth, and urgency of our global challenges. About the Guest: Daniel has a trans-disciplinary science background within a whole systems, complexity, and integral framework. He loves solving seemingly intractable problems by reassessing the foundational data and axioms of a field and then restructuring it from the ground up. He began seriously studying health and neurology when afflicted with neurological and autoimmune illnesses that had no known solutions in either allopathic or complementary medicine. The insights that led to his healing came from developing a new