Saturday Night Spook-o-rama

Episode 7 - She Hate Me (1935)



This week we're coming at you with two tales of really really weird science stuff from 1935. First up we've got Bride of Frankenstein (dir. James Whale) widely considered one of the best horror films of the golden age of Hollywood. Then we discuss Peter Lorre's star turn as a weird stalker in Mad Love (dir. Karl Freund). Also: the Hayes code, furries, and hair strangling. Tune in next week for 1936 with Dracula's Daughter and The Devil Doll. ***Correction - At 3:13 Thad says that Lionel Atwill appeared in Mark of the Vampire. Lionel Barrymore was the actual actor. He cared enough about this to make me issue a correction. -Barnes If you like our podcast and you want to help us say more weird jokes about horror movies, consider becoming a patron!