Cms Itweekly

CMS itWeekly #2



Hello. We like to welcome you to the CMS Instructional(?) Technology. Number two. The date is March 15th 2011. I'm Jake Standish and I'm Sam Smith and you see here's the idea. There's a lot of great ideas out there and we would love to share them with all of you and each week we're gonna do our best from CMS Instructional(?) Technology to focus on one concept or one idea and share about it and our experiences with it and hopefully we'll all be able to learn together together trough the pod cast through the CMS Wickey through the Hammer all the different places that we like to be able to explore. So for this second CMS(?) Instructional(?) Technology yeah that's a great word and now ___ Technology we were gonna work on that. For second CMS Instructional(?) Technology weekly we're gonna take a moment and we're gonna discuss pod cast. Now hopefully you'll know what a pod cast is that you're listening to one but if you don't it's good to know that a pod cast is basically the information being spread through