Feed The Bonfire With Debbie Peck

004: Aditi Ramchandani ~ Get Seen and Get Paid



Aditi loves seeing people shine as who they really are and working with small businesses who are passionate about the product or services they provide. She is an Intuitive Marketing Strategist and helps soul centered business’ to get paid for what they are really good at. Marketing to Aditi is all about turning on your lighthouse so your ideal market can find you. If you are someone who wants to get out there and make a positive difference, Aditi would love to assist you with your marketing.  Check out her free 7 day mini course in the links below. Aditi left the corporate world to start her own marketing business.  While she initially loved the drive and excitement in the corporate world - after a few years she started to feel as if she was always having to prove herself every day. She started an inspirational blog but was intuitively drawn into marketing again.  She shares her journey with us and what fuels her fire through the ups and downs. She started her business by trial and error and created an online