Live From Your Class With Jamie Mason Cohen

14: LIVE FROM YOUR CLASS Audiobook Excerpt (Part 1)



What’s the one trait students universally say they want in a teacher? A sense of humour.  This practical and entertaining book shows teachers how they can specifically bring more humour into students’ lives because when they’re laughing, they’re learning.    The author has drawn on his fascinating contacts in the world of global education, comedy, magic, music, human rights and psychology to make applicable connections that can transform not just any classroom, but also the mindset of any teacher. Humour in a class equals increased student engagement, less stress on the teacher and student, and better overall results.  Jamie Mason Cohen shows that any teacher can add more light, fun and creativity in their classroom through strategies tested for years and backed by real data. Personal Benefits for the Teacher Go from feeling burned out to energized in your classes. Offers new, fresh creative approaches to your professional growth. Provides practical learner-centered lessons to give you more balance. This is