Parent-child Relationship|attachment|trauma|families|children

S1E1: Why Parent-Child Relationships Are Hard for Some of Us



Have you wondered why some parents have a hard time being parents? I am not talking about parenting being difficult - that we all know to be true.  What I am referring to here is the fear of being parent, the fear of abandonment, the fear of I am just like "so and so" and not knowing what to do about it!  Check this intro episode out where I talk about attachment trauma and injuries.   Learn about attachment trauma and: What it looks like How to prevent it What to do if you've experienced it And of course,  I always mention some awesome freebies in my podcasts!  I will talk about my FB community for parents - you can join it here should you feel it can be helpful to you:Building Strong, Safe and Secure Parent-Child Relationships Group I am also inviting you to come and join me on my free parent webinar I will be hosting on Monday 10-9-17 where I talk about 10 ways attachment trauma affects parenting and give you 10 tools to work with! You don't want to miss it!  Save your spot here: 10 Ways Your Past Affect