Business With Super Joe Pardo

Derrick Kwa is an entrepreneur on a mission!



About Derrick Kwa At 16, I felt like I was stuck in a rut - going through the motions of school everyday, just because it was what people expected me to do and what everyone else did. So I left school. I had no network and no idea what I would do. I just knew I had to do something different, and start living life on my terms. It was extremely scary. But I did it anyway. I took one small step at a time, and I managed to overcome those fears. And I'm pretty happy with the results. Some of the things I’ve done since then that I’ve most proud of include: - Completing a virtual internship with Seth Godin - Being one of the first 100 graduates of Seth Godin’s altMBA program - Traveling to 10 countries in two years - Playing in professional poker tournaments against some of my favorite celebrity players - Co-organizing the Social Media Breakfast | Singapore - Participating in the StartupBus 2011 - Contributing to the Age of Conversation 2 - Starting Thousand True Fans, a marketing agency where we worked with brand