Hayti First Umc

"battle Fatigue" Part 1 - Audio



Christians and the church in general are suffering from what could be considered “Battle Fatigue” we look at what is going on in the world around us, and it doesn't matter what side of any particular issue we are on, the fatigue is real, the stress overwhelming! The truth is the church has become like the Israelites when they sent spies into the promised land, the spies came back and said “Yes this is truly a land flowing with milk and honey, but the problems are insurmountable” They stopped looking at what God had promised and instead started looking at the problem. Fatigue does this, the first symptom of battle fatigue is numbness, apathy, the inability to act, followed closely by irritability, lashing out, blaming others. And finally comes total breakdown. However by God's grace there is a way to overcome battle fatigue in the church!