Saturday Morning Trek: A Podcast About Star Trek In The 1970s

35: Infinite Diversity in Infinite Cereal



Monster Cereals and Star Trek.   It's the Halloween season in the wood-paneled den and that means just one thing: Monster Cereals! Yes, Monster Cereals, that sugary breakfast treat featuring classic movie monsters like Dracula and Frankenstein that made their way to store shelves around the same time the animated series premiered on TV. Adam and Aaron will be doing a 'deep dive' into that iconic cereal with a taste test, checking out some of the competitors and discussing their own childhood cereal memories. But, that has nothing to do with Star Trek we hear you say. Hang tight as we experience the Star Trek/Monster Cereals crossover event, well ok a commercial, and then review 50 years of Star Trek on cereal boxes. So grab a bowl of your favorite cereal and chow down with us! Chapters Intro  (00:01:24)  Count Chockula and Frankenberry Commercial (00:04:07)   Boo Berry Commercial (00:06:01)   Monster Cereals Star Trek The Motion Pictures Promo (00:12:27)   Competing themed cereal (00:14:24)   Taste