Real Estate Investing Hot Seat | If You Want Bigger Pockets Listen To This Podcast That Rivals Dave Ramsey, Jim Cramer From M

Episode 7: Crank Up Your Response Rate, with Jonathan Carcone



Are you frustrated by not reaching your real estate investing goals? Are you tired of not getting good, actionable information to avoid mistakes and earn a good living? My name is Brad Chandler and I understand your frustration and I want to help.

In late 2002 I had a negative $80,000 net worth. I spent 8 months working 80 hour weeks trying to learn the real estate investing business and find my first deal. Whew! However, once I learned the tricks and found my first deal, I ended up buying 6 homes in the next 2 months! Today, I have purchased over 2,100 houses, but I havent forgotten the struggle and the expensive mistakes I made along the way. I've been fortunate to make millions and now I want to help struggling investors by providing actionable advice from the trenches. I want to help you avoid expensive mistakes, earn the income you want to have, and push you to invest smarter and faster.

The Real Estate Investing Hot-Seat Podcast is my vehicle to help others. Each podcast guest is an investor who is struggling to reach their real estate investing goals. I break down each and every obstacle standing in their way and give them concrete action steps to overcome their challenges. I dont hold anything back as I share everything that has allowed me to build a $40M real estate flipping empire. By listening and watching you will be able to implement the tactics I share in your own business and allow you to achieve your goals and live the life you dream about.