Married Not Dead

Ep. 45 - Big Little Lies



Hello MND'ers! In this episode, we discuss the newly emerging power of the Social Media Warrior and the dangers and ease of groupthink on Twitter and other social media platforms. From there, we circle back to our topic series, 'Priorities and Expectations' and go deep on the following topics:      What do secrets about ourselves do we keep from our spouses?  How much should we share and is oversharing a burden to our partners? Is keeping our past private helpful or hurtful to our relationships? What happens when we need relationship expectations to change to be our most successful selves?      Enjoy, and as always, please subscribe, rate, and review on Apple Podcasts. If you have comments or questions, please DM us on Instagram or Twitter @_marriednotdead and Facebook by searching for the Married Not Dead Podcast page. Please rate us 5-Stars on Apple Podcasts! If you don't think we deserve it, please tell us why via our Facebook page.    This week's episode is sponsored by Audible. For MND listeners, Audib