Longbox Small Talk

Longbox Small Talk - Episode 37: Consensual Cannibalism



Bill and Rodney take you down a dark, twisted alley when the question is posed, "Would you try human?". In the comic world, they discuss Mockingbird #1, Southern Bastards and the horrors of a small town high school. In news, CW renews some of your favorite DC shows and Netflix announces the Luke Cage premier. Also on this episode a spoilerific review of 10 Cloverfield Lane and (of course) we talk about the monumentally mighty Marvel Civil War trailer. Remember to let us know which side of the Cannibalism Civil War you are on by using #YesConsentualCannabalism or #NoConsentualCannabalism on our Twitter or Facebook page! If you haven't joined the LST movement, get in touch with us on Twitter @LongboxSmall, on Instagram @LongboxSmallTalk, Facebook at Facebook.com/LongboxSmallTalk, or leave a comment at LongboxSmallTalk.com.