Ibc Podcast

IBC 008 Post Socio-Emotional Effects of Immigration with Dr. Michelle Silva - IBC PODCAST



In this episode recorded in Spanish only, Mayra and I invited Dr. Michelle Silva, Psy.D., who is the Associate Director of the Connecticut Latino Behavioral Health System and has worked extensively with the Latino population in CT. She enlightened us about the POST SOCIO-EMOTIONAL EFFECTS OF IMMIGRATION here in the USA. To name some: Loss of natural supports: immigrants, leave behind their families in the pursuit of better days. Loss of identity: once arrived, the cultural shock and the questioning of one’s role in the foreign country. Loss of social status: most of the time, a modus vivendi in a country of origin, is sacrificed once arrived in the USA. Uncertainty: starting from zero in a foreign country, and leaving everything behind, creates a lot of uncertainty and when homeostasis is not reached, conditions such as depression and anxiety are among the most common. PTSD: for many immigrants, leaving their country of origin is the only alternative given their circumstances of violence that inclu