
The Making of Mature Masculinity_7 of 18 (English)



Welcome to this free series of The Making of Mature Masculinity'.

This series began as a dialogue between me and Thomas Dachsel, the German translator of my book, MATURE MASCULINITY: MAN'S INNER ESSENCE. The original plan was to have a plain discussion to clarify certain points in the book that usually come up in any translation project.

However, as the translation progressed, this dialogue turned into an experience of profound awakening for both of us! This dialogue opens up so many doors, and it shines on many ancient truths that affected the way we both looked at masculinity and femininity!

We felt it would be a pity not to share this audio series of EIGHTEEN EPISODES with you as well. I set the intention that these episodes will give you a glimpse of the essence of the book, MATURE MASCULINITY: MAN'S INNER ESSENCE, and also give a glimpse into my work in awakening men.

The quality of the audio may not be the highest, however the quality of the discussion sure is! So enjoy it....and please share your remarks at the website, www.maturemasculinity.net.
