The Lively Show

TLS #261: LoA Q+A: alignment as a parent, changing emotions, dating with LoA, enlightenment & more



Today’s TLS is kicking off a new series on the show: LoA (Law of Attraction) Q+A. The LoA is a subject that I have studied the past two years for thousands of hours across many teachers, books, and conferences worldwide. In the mainstream, it is often viewed as ditzy + shallow (think The Secret), or very ‘woo-woo’ from channeled sources (like Bashar and my oh-so-favorite, Abraham Hicks). But the truth is that - like gravity - LoA isn’t an idea… it’s just an aspect of our reality that is operating at all times.So we are affected by it every day, whether we are “using it” deliberately or not. In the LoA Q+A series, I’d like to make LoA seem less “weird” and explain how regular people have been creating their lives deliberately (or non-deliberately) using this powerful principle. Today, I’m kicking things off with listener questions on LoA... and in future episodes we are going to have conversations with past TLS guests who have used LoA, or are bringing it into their lives now, to cultivate a life t