Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"I would be reasonably confident to say Bob Mueller has scrubbed...anything that has Pete Strzock's fingerprints on it."



President Trump joined a chorus of conservative voices in both Congress and the media that are trying to discredit the Mueller investigation, tweeting, “In one of the biggest stories in a long time, the FBI now says it is missing five months worth of lovers Strzok-Page texts, perhaps 50,000.” According to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the FBI cannot find a record of some 50,000 texts between the two FBI employees. Many Republicans are comparing this incident to Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails. Is this story as big as the president makes it out to be? Ron Hosko, former assistant director of the FBI, gives us his perspective on the story. Michael and Rick discuss why so many evangelicals give President Trump a mulligan on his moral shortcomings on everything from having an affair with a porn star to his support of an alleged pedophile.