Attic Aficionados

19. Digging A Little Deeper [January 27, 2018]



Connor has just returned from Austin. What does Connor like to cook and eat? Connor shouts out Golbinoid Games who publishes Labyrinth Lord and Mutant Future. Tom talks about Kevin Siembieda's Rift, a gaming system big enough for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Robotech, with a shout out to Erick Wujcik's Mutants Down Under. Mech technology hasn't been explored enough. Tom discusses Konflikt 47 and steampunk mechs and Connor talks about Aliens. They both discuss Space Hulk and Dark Star: H. R. Giger's World. Rural habitations - there are just so many. To conclude the aficionados discuss the enigma of Baden-Powell. (Rakan Muda is the Malaysian youth movement Tom mentions briefly.)