How Your World Works

Blowing Up The Sky



Gary Souza is the Show Designer for the Macy’s Annual 4th of July Fireworks Display in New York. The 25 minute fireworks show is choreographed to music, involves 5 barges at different positions in the East River, and is watched by millions on shores and over television. He explains to us just what goes in to the designing, planning and executing of this years event. And what it feels like like to fire off over 54 thousand explosives into the air, all to music, and sometimes in the shape of a happy face. And, in honor of the 4th, HYWW dives into that most American of past times, baseball, and looks at new motion capture technology that can measure the bio-mechanics of a pitch. And we’ll take a road trip down the black tops of America as we consider a proposed new safety feature for trucks, and ask ourselves, is this Stupid, or Amazing?  You can subscribe to the  How Your World Works podcast on iTunes, and hear a new episode every two weeks. Leave a comment or review of the show and tell us what you think, or f