Beyond Logic

Episode 11: Starring Meagan Sandstedt



Meagan Sandstedt is a Psychic Medium, Intuitive Counselor and Certified Reiki Master with the ability to channel healing and insightful messages from your Loved Ones, Angels and Spirit Guides. Her readings are divinely channeled and serve as a platform to awaken your heart and soul to the reality that Spirit is guiding, supporting and loving us always. Through Spirit, Meagan will provide a “roadmap” that will allow you to deepen your understanding of life events and personal circumstances from your soul’s perspective, while receiving guidance surrounding life events, purpose, soul contracts, relationships, career and health. She has had the privilege of sharing many profound validations from the ‘Other Side” with her clients as well as guiding others in overcoming energetic blocks and self -sabotaging thought processes so that they may experience true inner peace and success.