It's Not Weird, It's Russian!

Part 10: Russian Hospital



Subscribe in a reader If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element or Right click to download the audio fileIf you are going to collapse, or call in an emergency, make sure you are in the city center.The hospitals outside the zone 2 border are like something from an eighties war movie.The building's are in need of a refurbishment.Drastically.To find doctors or specialists is a maze of doors (often involving you to drive to the other side of town, get some old yellow piece of paper from another doctor, then return back to your first doctor), which leads you with the belief that little has actually been resolved.Paperwork is done in such a horridly-antiquated way that you wonder if they've ever heard of 'windows' or 'Apple' in the electronic context. The system is outdated, and it's what makes Europe a power force forward in the medical sector.I half expected the doctor to pull out a jar of leeches their system is so old.The full force hit me when we took my wife t