It's Not Weird, It's Russian!

Part 3: The Supermarket



Subscribe in a reader If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element or Right click to download the audio fileOr listen on Soundcloud!  First, let’s talk about currency used in the market. Roobal, rubble, potayto, potarto, makes no difference. All shops take Rubles. The coin system is too much extra effort. There are five different types of notes and six different coins. It’s worth noting that most businesses in Russia pay in Rubles or Euros.Theres’ the 10 and 50 kopek coins (which you can’t buy anything with.) Then there’s the 1, 2 and 5 Ruble coins (which you can’t buy anything with.) From 10 Rubles onwards it becomes interesting. There’s a 10 Ruble coin and note.Russians love their loose change. They LOVE it. So much so that you are often asked by the person at the checkout counter for their loose change. “Do you have 99 roubles?” “No… why would I if I gave you a 100 Ruble note?”Bizarre. I’m rubbing my hands together as I type (if that’s physica