Howler Radio

Lighting the Tiki Taka Torch: The Story of Euro 08



This is a story about perennial losers who finally figured out how to win—and then basically didn’t stop winning for years and years. Looking back from 2016, it's undeniable that Spain’s brand of high-possession, high-pressing tiki taka has influenced global soccer to an astonishing degree. But on the eve of Euro 2008, the national team’s head coach, Luis Aragonés, had a decision to make: would he play to his squad’s strengths and unleash what has turned out to be the most dominant midfield in the history of the game, or go for a safer, more conventional style of soccer that might not win any trophies… but then again, who really expected Spain to win a trophy? We know the answer. With hindsight, it seems inevitable. But travel back with us to 2008 and relive the tournament in which the Spaniards first showed the world what they could do. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit