Tattooed Bananas

Ep 67 Stroller Full of Baby Dolls



A comedy podcast hosted by Finnius & Bill two life long friends who get together once a week, and talk about whatever they find amusing.

"This show is loaded with fast paced comedic banter and these two guys do it well!!!" - RayGFX TheNakedPorch

"This show is addictive and so incredibly funny. The hosts have a natural banter between them, and craft great bits on the fly." - Justin272727

"I don't often listen to a podcast and think, "these are my people," but in fact that is EXACTLY what happened here" - Thirty3Thirty

"Definitely give these guys a listen! Both guys are a riot and you will be laughing for days!" - Z91Q

"I couldn't stop listening! They had me at "how's you butt?"" - Jaggerzzz

Connect with the Tattooed Bananas on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat - They use the handle Tattooedbananas
Email them
You can now call the Tattooed Bananas, and leave a Voicemail that might actually be featured on the show 908-509-1006