Ham Radio 360

The End of the Beginning…



Thank You Very Much for listening to the Ham Radio 360 Podcast. In this real quick, last episode, I take the opportunity to 'say' good-bye. I appreciate the opportunity to have served you and the Amateur Radio Community over these last few years. 73 Y'all Cale/K4CDN 2-10-18 Friends, In 2011 I achieved a nearly lifelong goal; I became an Amateur Radio Operator. In 2014 I began, as a means to scratch an itch, an Amateur Radio Podcast. The podcast, then named ‘Fo Time’ was never supposed to succeed. I had no intention of releasing any more than 5 to 10 programs. Almost 4 years later, 90+ shows, and over a 3/4 million downloads, I’m still wondering how I got here. Through that time, I was a small part of promoting the Amateur Radio Hobby via the medium of podcasting. What began as an experiment soon became a platform for a New Ham Operator to learn the ropes. Along the journey I was blessed with the opportunity to connect with and learn from some of the most brilliant and entertaining people on the p