New Thinking New Power With Dr. Paula

Episode 9: Sustaining Your Happiness



What does your happiness have to do with success? Here’s a fact: Research shows happiness causes success, not the other way around. This week's episode is the fourth of the 4-part series of LOVE AND HAPPINESS. I’ve entitled this podcast “Sustaining and Maintaining Your Happiness”. For this week’s episode, I give you 5 practices you should implement to KEEP your happiness. Spend your resources on activities that produce positive emotions.You see, we gain the most happiness from experiences that create specific positive emotions:  joy, delight, contentment, peace, enthusiasm, curiosity, vitality, pride, interest, thrill, and even connection. Don’t become mundane and predictable in your happiness habits. This is why changing your circumstances (10%) is ineffective for sustainable happiness. By nature, we adapt to our routines, so we have to change even when our circumstances don’t.  Periodically tap into a social support system that will hold you accountable and support you towards your happiness goals. Peopl