Jaded Views

Episode 27 - International Incident



In this international episode Rampage takes the reigns and guides in a world tour. From close to home the lads have been golfing? golfing? with a few fans of the show, International news from Italy about a Fat guy who is just plain lazy. Do you have the hots for farm animals? have a fetish for a animal of the wooly variety? Rampage has uncovered a SHEEP BROTHEL in wales. Illiterate Idiot robs the Qualifryer in Scotland, instead of a bookies. Finally, who wants a degree in KIM JON IL's north Korea? with the first ever NORTH KOREA NEWS segment. This, a whole lot more, we're running over an hour now, its time for the podcast which is taken the internet BY STORM, its Jaded Views. Email in at Jadedviews@hotmail.com