Jaded Views

Episode 5 - First Superbowl Special



The most technical issue plagued show is back with even more technical difficulties! The most Jaded UK Podcast, Hosted by the 2 most Jaded UK Podcrafter's discuss the recent televised Superbowl. In an attempt to try and understand why our cousins over the pond, the yanks, find it so damn good. Melonz being the Wikipedia of useless information, breaks down why calling "American Football" "Football" is physically incorrect, logically incorrect, factually incorrect and politically incorrect. Rampage comes to the conclusion that after several hours of Super Bowl viewing he has no idea what happened. And with all the above come to the conclusion they would be the perfect guest commentators for a game. Plus Beam gets shelved for an episode as Rampage's commitment to stop clearing his throat every 22 seconds has resulted in Jagermeister joining the fray. All this and, well... not a lot else in episode 5 of your hourly fix of Bullshit.