Errand Of Mercy

Errand of Mercy Episode 10, 31/07/2012 Plug Your Skin Into This Episode



It's episode 10, it gets exponentially harder from here, bullshit future olympics, G the podcasting hobo, leaving the house to work on your costumes, crazy teenage fashion trends, Tony Stark/internet nerds trolling the Iranian government, Ebola is probably not a big deal, Kim Jong Un's super secret wife and family, Killer Whales will mess you up, aquatic frolicking with murder crabs and kidnapper squid, Crackpimptopi from the wrong side of the reef, dealing with 14 year olds having sex and starting families, Simon becomes the man, teenagers plugging their skin into porn, the 100th episode suicide pact and teenage glam rock street gangs help start an accidental terror cell. The Errand of Mercy says no to Killer Whales but yes to Crackpimptopus