Errand Of Mercy

Errand of Mercy Episode 3, 29/05/2012: A Couple of Crevass Wankers



It's Episode 3 with Simon and G. this week they're dealing with the solar dictator, living in the water gun arms race, crashing Kurdish weddings, dealing with the euro-vision song contest, the Susan Boyle story guest staring Susan Boyle, Simon's top 2 favourite musicals, crazy communists are getting organised, Robert Mugabe the tourist rep, the BBC and the United Nations Space Command, Touching the Void and crevasse wankers, dealing with the demise of guys, staying off quad bikes unless you're the Cads of Monmoth, Justin Bieber is in hiding, makes terrible music and the internet wants him dead, the Denver International Airport trolls conspiracy theorists and brining your daughters up the Errand of Mercy way.