New Thinking New Power With Dr. Paula

Episode 10: Letting Go of Negative Emotions



What does your happiness have to do with success? Here’s a fact: Research shows happiness causes success, not the other way around. This week's episode is the first of the 4-part series on LETTING GO.  For this week’s episode, I discuss 3 common negative emotions - anger, fear, & guilt/shame and possible messages they send.  I then offer you questions of self-reflection so that you can take steps to move forward. 1. Negative Emotion: ANGER Possible Message: Someone crossed your boundary. Questions of Self-Reflection: What can I do to move on from my anger? What could I do differently to reduce the chance of this happening again? 2. Negative Emotion: FEAR Possible Message: I may be focused more on the potential for a negative outcome than a positive outcome. Questions of Self-Reflection: What if my fear came true? How would I overcome it? 3. Negative Emotion: GUILT and/or SHAME Possible Messages: I have done something that is out of alignment with my values and beliefs. Or, I am allowing past actions or ex