Power Of Connection With Angela Shen

Ep 7 Hearts 4 Homeless with Jack Fuller



  In episode 7, Angela sits with Jack Fuller, Founder of Hearts 4 Homeless, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping and advocating for the homeless of the mid-peninsula of San Francisco Bay Area. Through this heartfelt conversation, we learn about Jack's journey to being committed to being in service to the homeless and what we can do to help the homeless community. We hope this episode touches the generosity in your hearts. Please consider donating to Jack's organization to help him continue to do the good work he does. Heart 4 Homeless Contact Info: Hearts 4 Homeless Website Phone:650-260-3155 Address: 405 El Camino Real #345 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Phone:650-260-3155 Address: 405 El Camino Real #345 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Email: info@hearts4homeless.org Jack Fuller Email: JFuller@hearts4homeless.org Safe Harbor Shelter:  http://samaritanhousesanmateo.org/what-we-do/shelter/ Homeless Shelter Directory: https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/cgi-bin/id/city.cgi?city=San%20Mateo&state=CA Homeless Se