Essays On Air

Essays On Air: When did Australia’s human history begin?



In July 2017, new research was published that pushed the opening chapters of Australian history back to 65,000 years ago. Marcella Cheng/The Conversation, CC BY-NC-NDIn July 2017, new research was published that pushed the opening chapters of Australian history back to 65,000 years ago. It is the latest development in a time revolution that has gripped the nation over the past half century. In today’s episode of Essays On Air - the audio version of our Friday essay series - we’re reading you Billy Griffiths, Lynette Russell and Richard “Bert” Roberts’ essay When did Australia’s human history begin? This essay seeks to move beyond the view of ancient Australia as a timeless and traditional foundation story to explore the ways in which scientists and humanists are engaging with the deep past. Find Essays On Air in Apple Podcasts, in Pocket Casts or wherever you get your podcasts. Additional audio Snow by David Szesztay Tourism Australia advertisement Didgeridoo by Jimmie P Rodgers I am Australian b