Beyond Logic

Episode 18: Starring Kimyatta Williams



I am an Empathic and have the gifts of Clairvoyance and Clairaudience. This was gifted to me from my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am committed to helping you find the answers to the questions that bother you most in your life. I am a BELIEVER in the one, true living GOD & His Archangels. I sometimes use angel cards to assist me in readings, but I do not work with spirits, cast spells or use tools of any kind such as (tarot cards, crystals, runes, etc.). I do not see all things because I am not God, but I work with God and his divine messengers, the Archangels to assist you with receiving your answers. If you’re seeking change, or simply struggling with a chapter in your life and desire understanding then call me I can help.