Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: Scouting-Rick Deweese KJ4WHO



Episode 31: Ham Radio & Scouting Rick DeWeese (KJ4WHO) is more than a Scout Master .  He's also an Amateur Radio Operator and a Podcaster from Upstate South Carolina.  Rick and I 'met' on Facebook not long after Fo Time went live.  We've kicked the idea of getting together for a show for almost a year now...and here it is. His Troop, known as the "Amateur Radio Troop" is led by Rick and his assistant, who is also a Ham.  Join us as we discuss how He compliments his Scouting with the Magic of Ham Radio. In many of the past shows we've tried to nail down ways to bring today's youth into Ham Radio.  In Episode 31 Rick shares his insight and methods  for involving kids with the hobby. JOTA Rick's BrushnSoapnBlade Podcast Find a Local Troop Royal Rangers Trail Life Radio Merit Badge Electricity Merit Badge Electronics Merit Badge Thanks for Listening, Cale, K4CDN     KB1HQS in Print! Click for more info