Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: KB6NU… No-Nonsense Study Guides and CW



 Welcome in to the next installment of the Other Ham Radio Podcast.  Dan, Kb6NU, calls in to educate us on his No-Nonsense Study Guides, Ham Radio Blogging, CW and more! Dan shares about his Ham Radio Blog, known to some as the most popular Ham Radio Blog on the net.  There you'll find all sorts of practical and helpful Amateur Radio writings; like his Very Popular No Nonsense Study Guides!   In addition to the study guides, the self-professed CW Geek has written a primer for those interested in learning 'the Code'   and 21 Things to do....If you're a New Ham, or thinking about it...this is a Great read to help you take the 'next' steps...   Remember, You can find Dan's blog at http://www.kb6nu.com   All of his study guides and books are available in Kindle, Nook and PDF! He's also active on Twitter @kb6nu Ready to get going? Inspired to Study?  Dan's books are avail from the links above! A big Thank You to Dan Romanchik, KB6NU for visiting with us on the Show!