Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: Man-Pack / Mil-Pack Rigs and Operations-a crash course



Man Pack and Mil Packs are the topic of our next installment.  We're joined by Harlikwin who shares his knowledge about all things Man Portable! We learn about Man Pack Operations and the ins & outs of avail Commercial and Mil-Surp Gear. Show Mentions: Mil Spec Radio Gear: Korean War to Present Day by Mark Francis (out of print) Amateur Radio Pedestrian Mobile Handbook: Second Edition  By Edward Breneiser http://hfpack.com/ HFpack Yahoo Group SOTA Par EndFedZ® Antennas Mil-Radio Net @ 0200Z most evenings on 7.232USB and 0300Z on 3.996 USB. KB1HQS in Print! Click for more info