Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: Field Day-Solar, Battery & More



Field Day 2014! It's Fo Time! In Episode 2 of the Fo Time Podcast, sponsored by MTC Radio, I'm joined by Youtube Ham Radio Op Jeremy KF7IJZ.  Jeremy is active in his local Amateur Radio Community, and has quite an on-line following regarding his Solar/Battery product review videos and commentary. Jeremy and I discuss the upcoming Field Day, Solar - Battery Options for Ham Radio Operators and more. We also hear from 2 more Amateurs about why they became Ham Radio Operators. Interested in Amateur Radio?  The upcoming Field Day is a great time to get to know more about the hobby.  To find a local club that is participating in the event, click here.  Many clubs provide a GOTA (Get On The Air) station for unlicensed folks to operate with guidance to get a taste of the Magic of Radio.     Correction: ARRL Kids Day is June 21st   Links to Items Mentioned in the show: LiFePo4 battery pack Solar charge controller Solar Panels // KB1HQS in Print! Click for more info