That's So Maven By The Healthy Maven

Episode 55: Loving Your Anxiety, Intuitive Exercise and Using Meditation to Help Balance Anxiety with Kait Hurley



Thank you so much for your positive words and support on last week's podcast episode with Nourishing Minds Nutrition. It's so encouraging to me to hear how many of you are embracing intuitive eating and ditching the calorie counting and endless diet cycle. Meg and Victoria are such an inspiring team and incredible resource for learning how to listen to your body and embrace your intuition. Speaking of inspiring and intuition, I'm so excited to introduce you to today's podcast with Kait Hurley. Kait is a movement and meditation teacher and entrepreneur based in Portland, OR. Kait struggled with meditation until she found that by moving her body beforehand, she was able to get in turn her attention inward and calm, focus and center the mind for a meditation session. Realizing this powerful synergy between movement + meditation, Kait was inspired to create a digital platform to help women connect with themselves in a deeper, more meaningful way through mindfulness and motion. On today's episode we're chatting ab