New Thinking New Power With Dr. Paula

Episode 14 Growth Mindset



For this week’s episode, I discuss the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset.  I also offer three practices that you can implement to develop a growth mindset. Let go of perfection! Valorie Burton says fear uses perfection as an excuse for remaining stuck!  You see, perfection and procrastination are relatives.  We often procrastinate because we are not in the perfect situation or we may feel inadequate for the task at hand.  What do you keep putting off because the circumstances aren’t what YOU think they should be.  Give yourself permission to make mistakes, and to LEARN from those mistakes so you can move forward. Be open to learning something new! A fixed mindset literally switches us off to learning.  In contrast, the growth mindset means that you realize the importance of remaining open to new experiences and information.  Have you been putting off learning a new skill or a new practice to help you especially one that will help you fulfill a goal? Failure isn’t final!Avoid the fix