Oregon Buds

Episode 16 The Travels of One Lit Kiwi



Welcome back to Oregon Buds! We have another great episode for you today as we became a stop for the Kiwi Bird! Buckle up and get ready to hear some great stories and ideas we throw around!  The show starts off with a bang as Mikal and Kiwi start with some wicked dabs. We learn about how Kiwi became the mood enhancing specialist he is known for today. My man has overcome some serious shit and cannabis, this amazing healing plant we have the fortune of having, has helped him with his PTSD. Another shining example of what this plant can do for our soldiers returning from the fight across seas. Kiwi is everywhere and involved with everything. From growing down half way between the north pole and the equator, 45th Parallel Farms be killing it with some dank ass flower. You can catch him in person at Cherry City Compassion in Salem where he helps anyone and everyone find the right medicine for them. And anyone who just wants to have a great time.  We can't wait to catch up with Kiwi again in a couple of months and